The purpose of the Nettles Island Pickle Ball Association is to promote and teach the game of pickleball to individuals of all ages while encouraging sportsmanship and camaraderie through fun and exercise.




     Membership shall be available to all lot owners and spouses of Nettles Island as recorded in St. Lucie County Courthouse, upon completion of a membership form and the payment of the annual dues. Membership shall run from November 1 through the following October 31. Members have a right to vote in any general membership meeting,




     Monthly meetings of the membership shall be held during the months of November through April at the Recreation Hall at   7:00 PM on the dates publicized in the Recreation Hall weekly activity bulletin.

     During the November-April period, a quorum will consist of 10% of the membership. A majority vote of those present shall be required for a passage of a motion.

     Special meetings may be requested by a the members only during the November-April period by submitting to the President, in writing a petition signed by at least 10% of the membership which states the purpose of the proposed meeting. The President shall then instruct the Secretary to publicize the meeting in the Weekly Activity Bulletin published by the Recreation Department at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.

     The President or two of the other three officers may call special meeting at any time upon seven days’ notice, during the November-April period.

     No other business may be discussed at a special meeting other than the specific topic for which the meeting was called.

     Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.




     The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

     Officers shall serve for two years except for the current election. In order to insure continuity in the leadership of the Association the current terms of office for President and Secretary shall be two years and for office of Vice President and Treasurer shall revert to two years and an election shall be held every year for two of the four officers.

     An officer elected or appointed to the Board of Directors of Nettles Island, Inc. shall not be eligible to serve as an officer of the Association but may serve in any other capacity.

     The officers may appoint an Assistant Secretary, if deemed necessary, who shall perform all duties of the office in the absence of the Secretary.

     If the office of Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary becomes vacant, the remaining officers, by majority vote, shall appoint a successor who shall serve until the expiration of the term of office for which he/she is appointed,. If the unexpired term of office is one year or less, the appointed officer may serve in that office for two additional terms.

     Should an officer be absent without good cause for five consecutive meetings, she/he shall be deemed to have resigned from her/his office.




     The President shall preside over all meeting, shall have general supervision of Association affairs and officers, and sign all contracts relevant to the Association.

     The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President and any other duties required of him/her by the officers or members, The Vice President shall succeed the President if the President is unable to perform the duties of the office.

     The Treasurer shall have custody of all Association funds, shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the Association books, shall deposit all monies revenues collected, pay all bills presented and approved by the Executive Board and render a financial report at each membership meeting. The Treasurer will provide all records and books to the Audit Committee each year and assist as needed in the annual audit.

     The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Executive , membership meetings and make them available to the membership and special meetings and have charge of all books, records and papers of the Association, except those kept by the Treasurer.




The fiscal year shall be from November 1 to October 31.

Expenditures exceeding $500.00 must be approved by the membership. The Executive Board must approve expenditures over $250.00 before payment can be made. Expenditures (with receipts) under $100 may be paid by the Treasurer at his/her directions.

     Any member shall have the option of reviewing the Association’s book or audit report by submitting a request to the Treasurer in writing.The Treasurer must comply within ten days.





 Annual dues shall be $5.00 per member. 




Elections shall be held in March each year.

An Elections committee shall have the responsibility of publicizing the annual election, soliciting nominations and conducting same. Newly elected officers will be installed at the March meeting immediately following the election.



     There may be the following standing committees: Membership, Elections, Budget and Finance, Audit, Bylaws, and Suggestion Box. Committee members shall elect chairpersons or the President may appoint chairpersons who may be required to give reports at the membership meetings.

     There may be ad hoc committees formed by the Executive Board, i.e., Social, as the need arises that will serve until their purpose is no longer required.

     By majority vote, the Executive Board may remove any member of any committee for proper cause.




     Any bylaw may be amended by a majority vote at a regular meeting during the November-April period attended by at least 15% of the membership, provided the proposed amendment has been read at a previous meeting.
